
Welcome to Georgia - Net

We, a few Georgians living far away from home, away from our motherland Georgia, decided to create a page where we can simply have fun. Here, you were able to find some interesting things... Now it's been 4 years and both of the editors of the page have been very very lazy and haven't done anything with it. You're welcome to browse anyway, if you Really want to. kargad brdzandebodet!

David's Page - The Creator's Page
Chelo's Page - His page Rocks
G. Topouria's Page - Great Georgian Collection!

How about some Georgian Music?

Aralo Si koul Bata Brolis kelsa mogehvie Tsmidao Gmerto Dideba Lashkruli
Mival Guriashi Shen Khar Venahi Rachuli Alilo Batonebo Kviria Perhuli
Acharuli Adilo Batonebo Kebadi Lechkhumuri Makruli Ã

Chveni "Matsne" - Our little News Agency; Daily updates on Georgia.
Caucasus Net - Internet Service Provider in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Truetype Fonts - Georgian Truetype fonts.
Lucky Bird - Philosophical Art (creation of R.J. Tchaidze).
Click here to view the best travelling information about Georgia on the Web. Very useful for foreign travellers.

Send us your Comments!

Unfortunately the famous/infamous message Board will be gone for a while...

Thank you for being a visitor # to the Georgia - Net!